Leadership Achievement Awards 2008
The Asian Banker Leadership Achievement Award is widely acknowledged by the financial services industry as the highest possible accolade available to professionals in the industry as recognised in the Asia Pacific and Gulf regions today. Established in 2001, it is one of the most difficult and most exclusive awards for any top banker or players in the financial services industry to win because of its stringent evaluation process.
Until these awards, most award recognitions were for institutions and the role of individual excellence in an increasingly complex industry was not sufficiently understood. We know today that the shape and direction of the largest institutions and the smallest processes are dependent on the calibre of the individuals entrusted to them, and we recognize them through this award programme.
The programme is anchored by a panel of global leaders and subject matter experts as advisors. The selection process is a rigorous one, completed over several months and involving feedback and interviews with all constituents who are in a position to comment on the candidates. All of these make this a world-class evaluation programme, and the insights gained from the programme are published in an annual report.
The award ceremony is held in conjunction with The Asian Banker Summit, undisputedly the largest annual gathering of professionals in the financial services industry in the Asia Pacific region. The Summit is held in different Asian cities, and this year it will be held in Singapore with the full support of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and the Association of Banks in Singapore.
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