RenminbiWorld Conference 2015
At the RenminbiWorld Conference 2015, senior management, government officials, and academics gathered to delve deeper into China’s most pressing issues involving the renminbi. The two-day conference featured key topics such as the restructuring of China’s economy, global economic latest Rmb policies and schemes, the growing importance of Rmb as an international trading currency, updates on the development of global Rmb-denominated assets and offshore Rmb centers, “One Belt, One Road”, and AIIB and its impact on the Rmb.
We welcomed Zhu Guangyao, vice finance minister of China and Hans Eichel, co-founder of G20 & former finance minister of Germany for the keynote and international keynote respectively.
Held on November 4 – 5, 2015 at the Ritz Carlton Beijing, China.
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